06 September, 2009
Kuala Lumpur
by Salai C C
The UNHCR office in Malaysia has been registering the Chin refugee for more than two months but arrest and detention among the Chin refugee is increasing day by day. Even in Jalan Imbi and Pudu areas where two Chin refugee’s offices CRC and ACR are located, police without uniform came and walked along the road and they arrested many Chin refugees.
Jalan Imbi,where many of Chin refugee are staying
“Even if the Chin refugees are arrested they are not detained or sent them to the camp because the Malaysia camps are struck with Burmese detainees. They (the police) informed to their relatives or community offices and asked to fine the money” one anonymous said.
“Everyday, many police come to Jalan Imbi and they stopped the chin refugee pedestrians and confiscated their money. I arrived to Malaysia since 1999 and I have been staying for more than ten years in Malaysia but I had never seen the situation like this. They tough us like alien. Even the animal has a shelter but nowhere is safe for Chin refugees in Malaysia” one person who stays more than ten years in Malaysia said.
According to one of eye witnesses “It is so difficult to understand that how the police can come every day instead of going to duty at the police station. Everyday, the police who came to Jalan Imbi are the same. I guess they may not have enough salary for living. They really don’t like the people to arrest but confiscated their money” she said.
The two police arresting two of Chin refugees on their way home from work place and they
confiscated their own money.
May 9, 2010 at 1:23 AM
It is because the police and RELA knows that the refugees will NOT report such incidence and the refugees will dare not fights back.
Malaysian police not only extort money from refugees but from Bangladeshi workers and China girls as well.
Sad to say that the majority of our Malaysian police are also involved in crimes.There are a few good police officers but too few of them.
Advise all your friends and members to note down time , date , name or police vehicle number , location and the amount "extorted" by police.
Victims to report to your office and your office to help them lodge a report.
You can report to the police station and the MACC office.
Go with a member of UNHCR or Bukit Bintang's MP Fong Kui Lun .
Do NOT suffer in silence.
I know that the RELA people extorts money too, not just the police.
As for accidents in and around PUDU/IMBI areas.
Pls educate all refugees to cross roads at junctions and traffic light.
If there is a pedestrian bridge, use it.
It is just a 2 minutes walk to the bridge
No pedestrians are allow to cross highways.
i dont even dare to cross that highway as cars are coming in at 80-100 kph.
Make use of the church time to spread road safety tips and advice.
June 3, 2011 at 2:49 AM
fuck in malaysia pulice