Pu Zo Tum Hmung from the United States of America visited ACR main office on 22 June 2009 and encouraged ACR leaders to continue their work. "As ACR is a big organization and was established by Chin ethnics, UNHCR appreciates the administration and we hope that UNHCR and ACR will work hand-in-hand in the future," he said. According to ACR's weekly newsletter, the UNHCR will start to register all ethnic groups from Burma without discrimination this year.
For this reason, it is important that the community organizations are well-organized and represent equally all asylum seekers regardless of ethnicity or religion. ACR will be monitoring the registration process this year and which communities are being registered. ACR will request a second registration within communities where registration numbers are low. Some Chin refugee leaders are saying that future of resettlement to the United States for the Chin people is uncertain and unrealistic now. Many Iraq refugees are waiting for help and if the new president Barack Obama accepts Iraqi refugee this year, it is likely that refugees from Burma will be a second priority. Therefore, anyone who is registered with UNHCR must go to any third country without selectivity.