April 12, 2009
Kualal Lumpur, Malaysia
Chin Refugee Committee held general election on April 14, 2009. New executive committee members were elected out of newly elected delegates that represent sub- Chin ethnic people group. 17 new executive committee members were elected out of 34 delegates. The Chin Refugee Committee is a social volunteer organization working to provide social needs of ethnic
Chin refugees in Malaysia who fled fear Myanmar military regime persecution and torture.
CRC is founded in July 2001 to assist Chin refugees in Malaysia. CRC volunteers are assisting Chin refugees in Malaysia as much as volunteers can help then. For example, CRC volunteers try to locate all Chin refugees and Malaysia and make regular contact to them in order to assist each
other in time of trouble. Information sharing and social assistance is the most CRC volunteers have to do. CRC is providing assistance to UNHCR in terms of finding refugees they can not contact and bring them to UNHCR office and also bring sick refugees to hospital and even prepare all the needs of case of death happen among refugees.
There are two Chin refugee offices ACR and CRC in Malaysia where all Chin sub-ethnic groups work together in unity. The Chin people are marvelously diverse by their languages. But all the Chin sub-ethnic groups are Christians. Even though the Chins have many different dialects, they are living in unity and solidarity in the same culture and common interest.